Duck hunt

International Women's Day 2009 By VMMRDES
International Women's Day was organised on Sunday 8 March. With The Young Men's Christian Association, (YMCA), Nagpur. also utilized the occasion to sensitize and address the issue of feminization of HIV/ AIDS pandemic. The world wide theme for this year is "Investing in Women & Girls". In order to promote health seeking behaviour among women.

A stall was put up at Mega Health Mela, inaugurated by the Dr. Manju Rathi organized at Gujri Bazar Mandir Hall, Kamptee to educate women on safety in sexual practices and to disseminate the messages regarding HIV/ AIDS awareness. More than 200 women and children visited. Mr. Praveen Chakorte, Project Director, MITCON Nagpur and Miss. S. Shalaka, Ast. Project Director, MITCON Mr. Rehan Kausar from I.T.S & Vmmrde Society, Kamptee & Mr. Reyaz Ahmad from I.T.S & Vmmrde Society, Kamptee Spec about the recent issues relating to HIV/ AIDS. In addition Mr. Sheikh from The Young Men's Christian Association, (YMCA) also laid stress upon the women's advancement and highlighted the need for continued vigilance and action by the community.

Counselors addressed the target population on the two most important issues i.e. the promotion of HIV testing for pregnant women and the use of condoms in slums and villages where the targeted intervention projects are being implemented by the Society, program was conducted by Mr. Suresh Kathwas, Program Assistant, The Young Men's Christian Association, (YMCA)